These are the terms of use for all FileFountain products.
  1. All assets offered for sale on our website are the property of our company and are protected by copyright laws.
  2. These assets may be used by the purchaser for commercial purposes, such as creating products to sell, but they may not be resold or redistributed in their original form.
  3. The purchaser may not claim ownership of the assets, or use them in a way that suggests they are the original creator of the files.
  4. The purchaser may not use the assets in a manner that is unlawful, or in violation of any of our company’s policies.
  5. The purchaser may not use the assets in a way that defames, or causes damage to, the reputation of our company or any other third party.
  6. The purchaser must ensure that any use of the assets is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to intellectual property, data protection, and privacy.
  7. Our company reserves the right to revoke the purchaser’s license to use the assets at any time, in the event that the purchaser is found to be in violation of any of these terms.
  8. In the event of a dispute arising out of or in connection with this Commercial Policy, the purchaser agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the country in which our company is located.
  9. If you have any questions about this Commercial Policy, please contact our customer support team.
  10. Our company will make every effort to best of our ability to ensure that the assets are free from defects and function as described. However, we do not guarantee that the assets will meet the purchaser’s specific needs or expectations, or that they will be error-free.
  11. The purchaser is responsible for ensuring that they have the necessary software and equipment to open and use the assets. Our company will not be held responsible for any issues arising from the purchaser’s inability to open or use the assets.
  12. Our company reserves the right to make changes to the assets at any time, without notice to the purchaser.
  13. All assets are provided “as is” and our company will not be held liable for any damages or losses arising out of or in connection with the use of the assets.
  14. Our company reserves the right to terminate the license to use the assets at any time, without notice to the purchaser.
  15. None of our assets can be used in a product or service that is illegal or violates any local, national or international laws.
  16. None of our assets can not be used in a product or service that is misleading or fraudulent.
  17. By purchasing assets from our website, the purchaser agrees to be bound by the terms of this Commercial Policy, including any future changes or updates to the policy.
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